Git rebase 修改commit歷史記錄
雖然commit就像承諾一樣一諾千金,但是遇到要修改的情形該怎麼辦才好?今天我們要來介紹一個可以修改commit的指令: git rebase
1. 修改commit 訊息 git rebase -i
git rebase 使用互動模式
解法一 (source tree)
要修改的commit,找到其init commit按右鍵 ->
Rebase children of bb0c9c2
interactively… ->
點選想修改的commit, 按 Edit Message
-> OK
結果: 造成蝴蝶效應
修改的那一點commit, 和其 children commit的index全部改變
解法二 (CL)
指令: git rebase -i bb0c9c2
意思: 修改從C6到C1的歷史訊息!
- 修改了C2的Commit訊息
- 因而產生新的歷史記錄C3~C6
- 分支及HEAD移到新的C6
- 原C3~C6脫離
- 新C3~C6看起來一樣,卻是不同的commit (平行時空的兩條分支)
pick 7de7617 add pig
pick a252c2a add fish
# Rebase 1b8128c..a252c2a onto 1b8128c (2 command(s))
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# d, drop = remove commit
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
# Note that empty commits are commented out
"~/git-examples2/git-rebase/.git/rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo" 21L, 684C
2. 刪除
想把cute animals移到pig的後面
解法 (source tree)
要修改的commit,找到其init commit按右鍵 ->
Rebase children of bb0c9c2
interactively… ->
children commit的index受到影響
3. 把多個commit合併成一個 squash
解法 (source tree)
要修改的commit,找到其parent commit按右鍵 ->
Rebase children of bb0c9c2
interactively… ->
把add cat1
, add cat2
, add 2 cats
3個commit squash在一起
Squash with previous
把cat訊息改成add all cats
add 2 cats (+2 squashed commits)
Squashed commits:
[1de2076] add cat 2
[cd82f29] add cat 1
把dog訊息add all dogs
add dog 2 (+1 squashed commit)
Squashed commits:
[0e131b6] add dog 1
4. 把一個commit拆成多個
1. 先使用 reset -i
要修改的commit,找到其init commit按右鍵 ->
Rebase children of bb0c9c2
interactively… ->
勾選add all cats
的Amend Commit
已經移到add database settings
- 提醒git在rebase過程中,先在這個commit停下來
2. 接下來的步驟用 reset
點選上一顆parent commit按右鍵 ->
Reset current branch to this commit ->
Reset to Commit…
Using mode: Mixed - Keep working copy but reset index
- 重點: 此時是reset –mix (很多檔案都回到Uncommit的狀態)
- 把4個檔案丟回工作目錄,再兩兩合併)
按 add database settings
總共有 cat1.html, cat2.html, cat3.html, cat4.html
cat1.html, cat2.html => commit -m "add cat1 & cat2"
cat3.html, cat4.html => commit -m "add cat3 & cat4"
已經移到add cat3 & cat4
## 3.最後,Actions -> Continue Rebase
rebase 還沒完成,只是在中間的過程先調整
這個小節比較複雜,加上我的sourcetree是日文版(為了學習語文的目的),所以試了好多次。最後終於成功了!!開心 :D