Ruby面試精選30題 - Day10 Ruby invoke method調用方法?



Ruby經典面試題目 #10

  • Ruby如何引入方法?
    Explain how Ruby looks up a method to invoke?


鐵人賽足跡 面試問題 我的總結
Day 1 class class建立物件實體,以method和資料互動
Day 2 class與 module class可繼承,module不可繼承
Day 3 module module裡的method可被include和extend
Day 4 instance method與class method include用於instance method, extend用於class method
Day 5 self物件與singleton method singleton method是singleton class的instence method
Day 6 public, protected, private method 在classs外無法取得protected或private method
Day 7 symbol與string :符號 symbol class的物件實體,object_id相同 / 字串: string變數指向字串物件,object_id不同
Day 8 concat+= method concat串接, object_id相同 / += object_id不同
Day 9 ||= method (or-equals)條件判斷 a||=ba || a = b縮寫,意思為條件運算式 a ? a : a = b


Ruby最先尋找的地方是物件的eigenclass(特徵類別,物件上層的隱藏類別)method會直接定義在裡面,如同Day 5提到的singleton method(類別方法)。

如果Ruby沒有辦法在物件的eigenclass找到,它會尋找此物件class所屬的上一層(ancestor)class、層層往上搜尋,深入到Object、到Kernal、最後去BasicObject搜尋method是否在裡面。 圖片來源


不用擔心,Ruby就像Google Map一樣給予提示,它會在內部搜尋另一個:method_missing method給這個物件的class,提供Ruby工程師解bug的線索:

undefined method `某方法名稱' (NoMethodError)


在[Day 6],無法使用class裡的方法.protectedprivate

day6.protected #=> undefined method `protected' (NoMethodError)
day6.private #=> undefined method `private' (NoMethodError)

在[Day 7]Symbol找不到方法[]=

:tingsmessage[1]= "Z"
#undefined method `[]=' for :tingsmessage:Symbol (NoMethodError)

我從列出我在前十篇文章所用到的實體方法(Public Instance Methods),整理表格如下:

Object Kernal BasicObject
class →class puts(obj, …) → nil object_id →integer
extend(module) →obj String(arg) → string send(symbol [, args…]) → obj
singleton_method(sym) → method Hash(arg) → hash new()這個是Public Class Methods!


觀念 解釋
class Classes in Ruby are first-class objects.
module Modules serve two purposes in Ruby, namespacing and mix-in functionality.
class method Class methods (methods on a module) may be called directly.
instance method Instance methods defined in a module are only callable when included.
include when the module is included, istance methods appear as methods in a class. (module methods do not.)
extend Adds to obj the instance methods from each module given as a parameter.
self Self refers to the object that defines the current scope. (it will change when it a different method or a new module) .
singleton class If object is nil, true, or false, it returns NilClass, TrueClass, or FalseClass. (可以直接存取,而不需要實體化此類別的物件。)
singleton method The behavior of an instance is determined by its class.
public method With no arguments, sets the default visibility for subsequently defined methods to public. With arguments, sets the named methods to have public visibility.
projected method If a method has protected visibility, it is callable only where self of the context is the same as the method.
private method With no arguments, sets the default visibility for subsequently defined methods to private. With arguments, sets the named methods to have private visibility.
symbol Symbol objects represent names and some strings inside the Ruby interpreter.
string A String object holds and manipulates an arbitrary sequence of bytes
concat (string method) Concatenates the given object(s) to str. If an object is an Integer, it is converted to a character before concatenation.
+ (string method) Concatenation — Returns a new String containing
true| (TrueClass method) Or—Returns true. As obj is an argument to a method call, it is always evaluated


為了做Ruby如何invoke method的表格,我竟然把Ruby API的ObjectKernalBasicObject 頁面翻閱了一遍,了解輸入的參數怎麼用、已經輸出的物件會是什麼形式。這是我過去從來沒想過自己可以做得到的事(感覺翻手冊是高手才看得懂的境界啊!)經過這10天成長收穫巨大!

明天來繼續研究更多method!!!! :)

